How Fake Tan can make you look and feel Younger. ❤

How Fake Tan can make you look and feel Younger. ❤

    As we age our skin can show the effects of sun damage and dehydration in many ways, uneven skin tone, a loss of elasticity, pigmentation and a thinning of the skin can leave us feeling lackluster, dull, and aged. We know staying out of the sun can be a...
Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

You’re not alone… What can be even more upsetting is the accompanying muscle loss. Most of us have experienced our weight gradually increasing during most of our adult life, it can really pile on between 50 and 59 years of age.  Along with an increase in weight,...
Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing   Exercise has many benefits to our health. Many people often focus on exercise for fitness and body image. However an area of significance is the benefit of exercise for healthy ageing. As we age we tend to have higher risk of...
How do you Treat Yourself?

How do you Treat Yourself?

How do you treat yourself each day? Like a finely tuned precision machine or do you just get through the day “Driving like you Stole it?”   Often when talking to people about their health and nutrition I will use the analogy of a vehicle to...