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What is the Best Collagen Supplement for me?

What is the Best Collagen Supplement for me?



I am absolutely addicted to liquid collagen for giving me a gorgeous, radiant glow, and dewy, plump skin.


However, for anyone new to the world of collagen supplements, it can be hard to wrap your head around the various types you can take. There are collagen drinks, powders, pills and even face creams. It can be very confusing, how do you determine what’s the best collagen supplement for you?

I am going to share my opinion based on my own personal experience as a Cosmetic Nurse with 25 years in the Cosmetic Injectables Industry. I would like to talk about the pro’s and cons of collagen liquid vs powder, tablets, and capsules. Ease of absorption, versatility, and portability are just some of the factors I’ve taken into consideration. So, exactly how do they all compare? And, ultimately, what are the best ways that you can take collagen?


What's the best collagen supplement


What is Liquid Collagen and what benefit does it have?

Basically, it’s collagen in a ready to drink liquid form. The Collagen Liquid supplement I use and recommend is sourced from fish and has undergone the hydrolysis process. Hydrolysis occurs when collagen fibres are broken down into small collagen chains known as collagen peptides. Let’s talk about a few of the many benefits offered by liquid collagen:

  • It has been documented that Liquid collagen is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly and efficiently than it’s solid supplements (which your body has to work harder to extract nutrients from), as evidenced by studies into liquid bioavailability and absorption.


In fact, the Physician’s Desk Reference states that 85-90% of nutrients in liquid supplements are absorbed in 22 to 30 seconds.


  • It’s proven to work! There are several scientific studies backing up the effectiveness of drinking collagen. Most notably, it’s been confirmed that drinking collagen stimulates collagen production in the body and encourages skin and tissue regeneration.
  • It’s convenient and easy to consume on the go, without having to dilute or mix it with water.
  • In liquid form, unlike powder or tablet, a more concentrated dose of vital ingredients can be packed into a small serving.


What's the best collagen supplement


Liquid Collagen Vs Powder Collagen

The liquid collagen supplement that I prefer and use daily is a marine collagen supplement. https://www.isagenix.com/share/9e7e7  

In comparison, collagen powders on the market generally derive from a combination of animal tissues such as cattle, pigs or fish. When processed, the proteins are turned into gelatine. This gelatine, in turn, is broken down further to form a powder. But why might people consider powder over liquid collagen?


Collagen Powder Benefits

Just like the liquid collagen liquid supplement, the main reason collagen powder can be such a popular supplement is because it can be added to both food and drinks. In fact, it can be added to almost anything – coffee, yoghurts, smoothies, you name it. Collagen powder tends to be a favourite of people who have a routine for their breakfast, lunch and dinner and have the flexibility to mix their collagen with other ingredients.


What is the best collagen supplement for me


Collagen Powder Disadvantages

A major downside to a powder collagen is that if it is not mixed thoroughly or if you are sensitive to the taste and smell of foods, there is a risk of it producing a chalky, even gelatinous taste and smell. Also sticking to a regimented routine can be unrealistic. It’s true you can take the powder with you, but most tubs on the market come in bulk sizes. So, it’s not always realistic to take it with you and make it up it on the go. A convenient to drink liquid is always ready and comes in single serve glass bottles that don’t have to be mixed and can be taken without food or water.


As for taste, just like powder, liquid collagen doesn’t have an overly fishy odour or flavour.


Finally, collagen powder can be hard to get a consistent dosage, powder is made up of both large and small nutrient molecules, the smaller ones tend to collect towards the bottom of the mixture.


Liquid Collagen Vs Pills, Capsules and Tablets

There are some subtle differences in Collagen pills, powders, and capsules that we are going to look at. When things are labelled Collagen Pills, they can encompass both capsules and tablets. Capsules differ from tablets though; they are typically manufactured with a dissolvable encasing. Collagen pills follow the same process as collagen powder, with the powder tightly pressed together to form a pill. So, what are the pros of consuming your collagen in this manner?


Collagen Pills Pro’s

Collagen tablets or pills can be a preferable method as it’s fuss free and doesn’t rely on mixing your collagen with another substance or food. No stirring, shaking or any other work is required. You can simply take them with water and be done. Pills also generally do not have any taste.


Collagen Pills Con’s

If you’re one of those people who have trouble swallowing a pill, then this method is not for you. Also, pills and capsules will need to be further broken down by the body before they are absorbed, liquid collagen is more easily and quickly absorbed.



What is the best collagen supplement for me


I believe that liquid collagen is the superior method of consumption. After all, the evidence speaks for itself. Not only does it have a drastically higher absorption rate than pills, but it’s also easier to take on the go than powder, has been proven to stimulate collagen levels, it’s non-invasive and provides the perfect dose, every single time. If you don’t eat meat or have a sensitivity to fish the choice is easy.

Whether you are looking for a healthy glow in your skin, encouraging skin and tissue regeneration or wanting to improve your collagen synthesis, Collagen Supplements are an incredible anti-ageing tool.

As with so many products and procedures quality is what you will pay for.


Nicki Belle – RN ❤



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