Emotional Wellbeing and Menopause.

Emotional Wellbeing and Menopause.

      Some women report experiencing feelings of depression and anxiety due to hormone changes during perimenopause and menopause.   Emotions can swing from joy, to frustration and annoyance in the blink of an eye. Our emotional wellbeing and menopausal...
8 Reasons to Keep your Body Moving.

8 Reasons to Keep your Body Moving.

      These 8 reasons to keep your body moving will inspire you to keep your body in motion. From skin health to longevity, the benefits are just endless.   You may have heard Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion before – a body in motion...
Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

You’re not alone… What can be even more upsetting is the accompanying muscle loss. Most of us have experienced our weight gradually increasing during most of our adult life, it can really pile on between 50 and 59 years of age.  Along with an increase in weight,...