I am definitely not up to date with all the beauty trends and that involved in enhancing external appearances. However, I do work with a beautiful woman who is well known in the anti-ageing industry with a passion for internal and external healthy ageing and how to...
Adaptogens, What are they? Ask me a number of years ago ‘What Are Adaptogens’ and I wouldn’t have had a clue what you were talking about. Today however, adaptogens play a key role in my overall health and wellbeing. Adaptogens are defined as non-toxic plants...
In the world of health today we have a host of supplements available to us. These range from full meal replacements to specific herbs and probiotics. In today’s society, the majority of adults take some form of supplement. Common examples are fish oil for arthritis, a...
Collagen is such a buzz word at the moment. So, you may be wondering should you be taking collagen? Again, like many of my blogs, the answer isn’t always a simple yes or no. What is it anyway? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It plays a role in...
The theory behind weight loss, or realistically fat loss, is often fairly straightforward – use more energy than what you are taking in. However, putting it into practice is usually the tricky part. Having some top tips for fat loss can help. Below are my key points...