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Face Today with Nicki Belle ❤

Face Today with Nicki Belle ❤

cosmetic injecting anti-ageing collagen

As the final days of Face Today come to an end, I am finding myself reflecting more and more on my Twenty years in the Anti-Ageing Industry and the Journey I have been on.


As a child I considered myself an ‘Ugly Duckling’ in a world of ‘Swans’ and always wanted to know how it would feel to face the day with confidence and a deep belief in the way I presented myself to the world. Those teenage years hit me hard, glasses, acne, being exceptionally thin, asthmatic and painfully shy. I survived, but I swore that I would do everything to build myself a future that could support lifestyle choices to change all those things that I saw as roadblocks to my happiness.

I took note of the ‘Pretty Girls’, the ones who always seemed so happy breezing through life without a care, confident that everything would just work out for them. As an adult I now know that that just isn’t reality, that how you look doesn’t determine your worth or how successful you are.

What I do know is that with self-confidence comes belief and belief has been key to my personal success.

nicki belle collagen



This moment was when my obsession with understanding “What is Beauty?” began. How do we determine what is a ‘Good Looking Human’?


After 20 years of working within the Anti-Ageing industry I believe that the perception of beauty is influenced by the shape, size, and balance of features.

After a career in palliative care and with the inherent belief that our bodies health and wellbeing was key to a long and happy life, I was ready to move into a happier and joy filled career path. After an opportunity presented itself from a friend of my Mums❤, I was given my first introduction to the exciting world of Cosmetic Injecting.

This led to an obsessive need to educate myself on the medical procedures of designing faces. I spent years analyzing and configuring the best practices, always at the forefront of medical breakthroughs and new treatment pathways.
No matter where I might be I am always analyzing peoples faces, working out the dimensions and what their own “Signature Beauty Features” are. How to enhance that and make them feel confident and beautiful.

collagen anti-agein


Does the shape of your skull make you more beautiful?

Our actual skull shape is the foundation, where our features sit and how balanced they appear. This is where I start, I assess the symmetry and then emphasis beautiful eyes or it could be the perfectly proportioned lips, maybe even a gorgeously perfect nose. With a well-placed tweak I can enhance anyone’s face, balancing features and adding a radiant glow, all adding and enhancing a person’s beauty and confidence.

At 64 years of age I am still just as passionate, I am still filled with joy to give someone the gift of feeling more confident, more beautiful while maintaining the essence of that person and keeping a natural, untouched look. The frozen and filled look is the reason why I spent so much of my own time studying and analyzing the industry. This was not a look I was ever interested in being known for and I am happy that I am still told by my clients that their loved ones would never guess that they had work done.


cosmetic injector

I am often asked ‘What would be you’re career Highlight?’


Looking back, one of the times would be when I appeared on the Susie Ellman show 14 years ago, I was asked how people could have a more youthful appearance without surgery or invasive procedures. It was there that I first got to talk about a treatment pathway I dubbed the ‘Non-Surgical Facelift’. This is still completely relevant today and is something I recommend to almost all of my patients.

There was also the time I was on Today Tonight I treated a patient with the ‘Liquid Facelift’. This treatment was done solely with fillers and as beautiful as it was the results were not as long lasting as similar treatments with bio-stimulators.  It was then that my obsession with Bio-Stimulators really ingrained itself.

Bio Stimulators are products that stimulate your body to create its own collagen, and to regrow lost volume and shape.

It is also necessary to revitalize the elastin, this is done with a treatment which I was instrumental in introducing into Australia by being one of the very first clinics to use it, Platelet Rich Plasma. I was invited to be a trainer for Advanced Medical and Scientific a full year before it was released to the broader community of cosmetic injecting clinics.

We collated exciting data with Before and Afters as well as presenting the launch in Adelaide over 10 years ago.
I believe Platelet Rich Plasma is one of the key treatments to slow down the rate at which we age. When done yearly there is a noticeable difference, and you may even start to feel as though you have turned back the ageing clock.


Is surgery the only answer?


Once upon a time we were led to believe that when we turned 50 that the only reasonable consideration was to have a face lift. My passion is to let women know that they have non-Surgical options with often a much higher rate of success, with a more youthful, natural look.

collagen fillers anti-ageing

I am so excited to have my platform ‘Age Amazingly’ where I am able to inspire, educate and excite women about all aspects of ageing. Showing them that it is not just the outside but that the inside plays just as an important role. If my years of working in palliative care taught me anything it was that Health and Wellness when not taken seriously can have significant effects on how we live out our lives.

When looking to the future I am most excited to be able to spend time working and studying in this area of medicine, really making a difference and showing people how to Age Amazingly.


Nicki ❤


  1. Bella

    This was beautifully written and and what a journey, I am truly blessed to have experienced your artistry first hand.

    • Nicki Belle

      Thank you Bella ❤, I appreciate the comment and I look forward to seeing you soon.


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Achieve Natural Rejuvenation with PRF: What You Need to Know

Achieve Natural Rejuvenation with PRF: What You Need to Know

Aging gracefully is a goal many of us strive for, and with advancements in cosmetic treatments, we have more options to support this journey. One of the most exciting developments in the field of skin and hair rejuvenation is Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy. Whether you’re concerned about hair thinning or seeking to improve your skin’s appearance, PRF offers a natural and effective solution. Let’s explore what PRF is and answer some frequently asked questions about its use for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation.
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Let’s talk about your Eyes. ❤

Let’s talk about your Eyes. ❤

The skin around your eyes is more prone to damage and is usually the first place to show visible signs of ageing.
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Trying Amazon Products so you don’t have to ❤

Trying Amazon Products so you don’t have to ❤

      The face massager kit is two types of beauty bar, one is the 3D roller face massager, the other is “T” shape electric energy beauty bar.   Makes your skin care routine so much more enjoyable and relaxing. 3D Roller Electric Sonic Energy Beauty Bar has a diamond shape and unique 3D […]
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What is a Beauty Booster and Why do you need it?

What is a Beauty Booster and Why do you need it?

The Beauty Booster treatment uses a hand-held injecting device that delivers a fine hydrating Hyaluronic Acid to the skin. The device uses a micro-needling technique to precisely and effectively treat the skin. It works to stimulate the skin to boost collagen, restore volume, lighten, smooth & thicken the skin. WHAT AREAS DOES IT TREAT? The […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions… No.8 – Downturned Corners of the Mouth

Most Frequently asked Questions… No.8 – Downturned Corners of the Mouth

    Downturned mouth corners are quite common.   As happy and wonderful as you may feel inside, your face might just be saying something else. Downturned mouth corners make you appear sad, upset and sometimes even angry! The downturned corners appear when the muscles that keep the corners of the mouth turned down during […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions… No. 6 – 11’s or Glabellar Lines. ❤

Most Frequently asked Questions… No. 6 – 11’s or Glabellar Lines. ❤

      The 11 lines are medically known as glabellar lines.   They’re the two vertical lines between your eyebrows. The 11’s lines are caused by years of muscle movement. This kind of wrinkle is called a dynamic wrinkle because it’s caused by muscle contractions instead of facial volume decrease. The best way to […]
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Most Frequesntly asked Questions… No. 5 – How do I make my Cheeks look fuller and rounder?

Most Frequesntly asked Questions… No. 5 – How do I make my Cheeks look fuller and rounder?

    As we age, we lose subcutaneous fat from around the eyes and mouth. Subcutaneous means fat that’s just beneath the surface of the skin. Because our bone structure doesn’t change, this can result in sunken cheeks.   If you feel like you’ve begun to take on a hollow appearance, it might be because […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions – No. 4 – Forehead Lines.

Most Frequently asked Questions – No. 4 – Forehead Lines.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions. With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short term […]
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Most Frequently asked questions No. 3 – Hooded, Puffy, Sagging Upper Eyelids.

Most Frequently asked questions No. 3 – Hooded, Puffy, Sagging Upper Eyelids.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions. With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short term […]
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Most Frequesntly asked Questions No. 2 – Dark Circles and Sunken Eyes.

Most Frequesntly asked Questions No. 2 – Dark Circles and Sunken Eyes.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions.   With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short […]
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Blog Categories

Achieve Natural Rejuvenation with PRF: What You Need to Know

Achieve Natural Rejuvenation with PRF: What You Need to Know

Aging gracefully is a goal many of us strive for, and with advancements in cosmetic treatments, we have more options to support this journey. One of the most exciting developments in the field of skin and hair rejuvenation is Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy. Whether you’re concerned about hair thinning or seeking to improve your skin’s appearance, PRF offers a natural and effective solution. Let’s explore what PRF is and answer some frequently asked questions about its use for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation.
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Let’s talk about your Eyes. ❤

Let’s talk about your Eyes. ❤

The skin around your eyes is more prone to damage and is usually the first place to show visible signs of ageing.
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Trying Amazon Products so you don’t have to ❤

Trying Amazon Products so you don’t have to ❤

      The face massager kit is two types of beauty bar, one is the 3D roller face massager, the other is “T” shape electric energy beauty bar.   Makes your skin care routine so much more enjoyable and relaxing. 3D Roller Electric Sonic Energy Beauty Bar has a diamond shape and unique 3D […]
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What is a Beauty Booster and Why do you need it?

What is a Beauty Booster and Why do you need it?

The Beauty Booster treatment uses a hand-held injecting device that delivers a fine hydrating Hyaluronic Acid to the skin. The device uses a micro-needling technique to precisely and effectively treat the skin. It works to stimulate the skin to boost collagen, restore volume, lighten, smooth & thicken the skin. WHAT AREAS DOES IT TREAT? The […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions… No.8 – Downturned Corners of the Mouth

Most Frequently asked Questions… No.8 – Downturned Corners of the Mouth

    Downturned mouth corners are quite common.   As happy and wonderful as you may feel inside, your face might just be saying something else. Downturned mouth corners make you appear sad, upset and sometimes even angry! The downturned corners appear when the muscles that keep the corners of the mouth turned down during […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions… No. 6 – 11’s or Glabellar Lines. ❤

Most Frequently asked Questions… No. 6 – 11’s or Glabellar Lines. ❤

      The 11 lines are medically known as glabellar lines.   They’re the two vertical lines between your eyebrows. The 11’s lines are caused by years of muscle movement. This kind of wrinkle is called a dynamic wrinkle because it’s caused by muscle contractions instead of facial volume decrease. The best way to […]
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Most Frequesntly asked Questions… No. 5 – How do I make my Cheeks look fuller and rounder?

Most Frequesntly asked Questions… No. 5 – How do I make my Cheeks look fuller and rounder?

    As we age, we lose subcutaneous fat from around the eyes and mouth. Subcutaneous means fat that’s just beneath the surface of the skin. Because our bone structure doesn’t change, this can result in sunken cheeks.   If you feel like you’ve begun to take on a hollow appearance, it might be because […]
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Most Frequently asked Questions – No. 4 – Forehead Lines.

Most Frequently asked Questions – No. 4 – Forehead Lines.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions. With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short term […]
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Most Frequently asked questions No. 3 – Hooded, Puffy, Sagging Upper Eyelids.

Most Frequently asked questions No. 3 – Hooded, Puffy, Sagging Upper Eyelids.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions. With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short term […]
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Most Frequesntly asked Questions No. 2 – Dark Circles and Sunken Eyes.

Most Frequesntly asked Questions No. 2 – Dark Circles and Sunken Eyes.

    Welcome to my Vlog series about my most frequently asked questions.   With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy them, both short […]
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Most Frequently Asked Questions, let’s start with “Crows Feet”

Most Frequently Asked Questions, let’s start with “Crows Feet”

      Welcome to my Vlog series about the most commonly asked questions.   With over 20 years in the Cosmetic Medical Field I have treated countless patients ageing concerns. This video series is going to address the most asked questions and help you to understand what can be done to remedy these concerns, […]
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Let’s review Lip and Cheek Stain, is it Hot or Not?

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Let’s review Magnetic Lashes !!❤

Let’s review Magnetic Lashes !!❤

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Collagen, Benefits, Myths and Why everyone should be taking it.

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Emotional Wellbeing and Menopause.

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How to fight the signs of Neck Ageing.

How to fight the signs of Neck Ageing.

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Hyperhidrosis, what is it and can it be treated?

Hyperhidrosis, what is it and can it be treated?

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Why do I Love my Collagen Supplement for Anti-Ageing ❤

Why do I Love my Collagen Supplement for Anti-Ageing ❤

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Let’s review the Beauty Blender!

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Let’s review the Cats Eye Eyeliner Stamp!

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Reviewing Top Rated Beauty Products ❤

Reviewing Top Rated Beauty Products ❤

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What is the Best Collagen Supplement for me?

What is the Best Collagen Supplement for me?

    I am absolutely addicted to liquid collagen for giving me a gorgeous, radiant glow, and dewy, plump skin.   However, for anyone new to the world of collagen supplements, it can be hard to wrap your head around the various types you can take. There are collagen drinks, powders, pills and even face […]
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We are Reviewing Top Rated Amazon Beauty Products So you don’t have to!! ❤

We are Reviewing Top Rated Amazon Beauty Products So you don’t have to!! ❤

    There are a number of benefits to using an ice roller and or a Jade Roller – some more obvious than others. Depuffing – Similar to the benefits of a lymphatic massage, they can help increase blood flow and drain fluid, which in turn helps reduce puffiness. This can be especially effective for […]
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8 Reasons to Keep your Body Moving.

8 Reasons to Keep your Body Moving.

      These 8 reasons to keep your body moving will inspire you to keep your body in motion. From skin health to longevity, the benefits are just endless.   You may have heard Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion before – a body in motion stays in motion. Though his law refers to general physics, there is something to be said about how it relates to […]
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Sculptra Pro Tips with Nicki Belle RN

Sculptra Pro Tips with Nicki Belle RN

          Sculptra Pro Tips with Nicki Belle, RN.     As the concept of a non-surgical facelift continues to evolve in cosmetic medicine, new products and procedures are shaping our possibilities. These new and continuously improving treatments expand our ability to not only restore damaged and aged skin, but also to […]
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Reducing Stress and Improving Skin Health ❤

Reducing Stress and Improving Skin Health ❤

  Stress can bring out the fire-breathing dragon in all of us. But did you know that chronic stress can also leave your skin looking rough and wrinkly?       How Stress Influences Skin Health Our skin acts as a protective barrier from environmental stressors and infections. Yet, it also plays an important role in the body’s response to […]
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How to go from Office to ‘Party Chic’.

How to go from Office to ‘Party Chic’.

      We want to share with you how to go from Office to ‘Party Chic’!   It’s that time of year AGAIN, numerous social gatherings, end-of-year drinks with friends, work Christmas parties, holiday catch-ups, family gatherings, it can seem like an endless array of events.   While it is a wonderfully social time, […]
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How long does it take for a Collagen Supplement to Work?

How long does it take for a Collagen Supplement to Work?

  If you’ve just started using a Collagen Supplement, it’s fair to wonder how long it might take before you begin to notice a difference. The right Collagen Supplement can deliver visible benefits for healthy skin, but noticeable changes don’t happen overnight. Collagen peptides are the key skin-supporting ingredient you need to experience benefits like […]
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What Eyeliner Style Best Suits your Eye Shape?

What Eyeliner Style Best Suits your Eye Shape?

    While we may be a little in lust over that corner-to-corner cat eye we’ve seen on Instagram and TicTok, our close-set eyes with hooded lids may not look as pretty the same way a rounder shape would. Whether we’re elongating, lifting, or giving them a dramatic cat eye, it’s crucial when we apply […]
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How Fake Tan can make you look and feel Younger. ❤

How Fake Tan can make you look and feel Younger. ❤

    As we age our skin can show the effects of sun damage and dehydration in many ways, uneven skin tone, a loss of elasticity, pigmentation and a thinning of the skin can leave us feeling lackluster, dull, and aged. We know staying out of the sun can be a powerful tool to prevent […]
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Top 4 foods you may be eating that have a negative effect on your ageing journey.

Top 4 foods you may be eating that have a negative effect on your ageing journey.

      Ageing is inescapable, it can be a glorious thing, but it’s not always easy to age beautifully. Some of us age gracefully while some of us need some extra care to keep our skin younger looking. One thing that we cannot change is the natural ageing process, It plays a key role. […]
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Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

Do you feel like your Clothing Size increases with your age?

You’re not alone… What can be even more upsetting is the accompanying muscle loss. Most of us have experienced our weight gradually increasing during most of our adult life, it can really pile on between 50 and 59 years of age.  Along with an increase in weight, mostly from fat, there also seems to be […]
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What can I do about the lines around my mouth?

What can I do about the lines around my mouth?

  Once upon a time the only answer for an ageing face and deep lines was one thing, a facelift. Now, with advances in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, we have a wide variety of options available. Of course, we’re talking about non-invasive, non-surgical treatments, but are all non-invasive treatments equal when it comes to ridding yourself […]
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Did you know that chronic stress can leave your skin looking Wrinkly and Prematurely Aged? 

Did you know that chronic stress can leave your skin looking Wrinkly and Prematurely Aged? 

      How does Stress Age our Skin?   Our skin acts like a protective barrier from our environment and against infection.   Our body has a stress signaling system, known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, it is activated in the brain when you are involved in a stressful situation. The brain reacts to stressful situations by […]
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Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing   Exercise has many benefits to our health. Many people often focus on exercise for fitness and body image. However an area of significance is the benefit of exercise for healthy ageing. As we age we tend to have higher risk of illness, disease and falls. The good news is however, exercise can be […]
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How do you Treat Yourself?

How do you Treat Yourself?

How do you treat yourself each day? Like a finely tuned precision machine or do you just get through the day “Driving like you Stole it?”   Often when talking to people about their health and nutrition I will use the analogy of a vehicle to demonstrate my point. So, think about this – if you […]
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Face Today with Nicki Belle ❤

Face Today with Nicki Belle ❤

As the final days of Face Today come to an end, I am finding myself reflecting more and more on my Twenty years in the Anti-Ageing Industry and the Journey I have been on.   As a child I considered myself an ‘Ugly Duckling’ in a world of ‘Swans’ and always wanted to know how […]
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How to apply makeup in your 50’s and beyond.

How to apply makeup in your 50’s and beyond.

Sometimes I feel it’s not about covering up Wrinkles and Lines, but to highlight your Best Assets. After all Beauty doesn’t have an Age limit.     As Coco Chanel famously said, “After 40, nobody is young, but one can be irresistible at any age”. So, let’s talk about how to look like the radiant, […]
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Face Today a Legacy of Family, Friendship & Empowerment.

Face Today a Legacy of Family, Friendship & Empowerment.

  As the countdown continues till the rebranding of Face Today I wanted to share with you all a peak into my Life.   Many of you may not know the story and it is important to me to take time to show gratitude to those wonderful memories …   The Beginning   Back in 2002 […]
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Top 5 reasons why you should try Skin Needling with Dermapen.

Top 5 reasons why you should try Skin Needling with Dermapen.

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Age Amazingly with Marine Collagen

Age Amazingly with Marine Collagen

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Why eating more Collagen helps with Ageing

Why eating more Collagen helps with Ageing

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It is now possible to look Natural and Age Amazingly with the Medical Advancements of Tissue Regeneration.

It is now possible to look Natural and Age Amazingly with the Medical Advancements of Tissue Regeneration.

  Imagine your Age Amazingly future! Long term regenerative solutions that can have you growing younger and fresher as time advances, Ageing is now a choice.     The world of injectables and fillers is vast — some are labelled neuromodulators (Anti-wrinkle ), some are hyaluronic fillers. Then there are collagen-stimulating treatments, such as Sculptra, […]
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The Fight against Cellulite !

The Fight against Cellulite !

      Most of us are slaves to our cellulite. We cover it, hide it, lie about it, loathe it and try to deny its existence – but, it’s time to fight that battle and take our bodies back!       Is there any kind of health risk attached to cellulite or is […]
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What does it mean to Age?

What does it mean to Age?

What does it mean to Age? Does how you view ageing affect the way you see yourself?     Ageing is perceived so differently to so many people, this perception can be influenced by anything from demographics, ethnicity, culture and even profession.   With the advances in Medicine and Anti-Ageing Treatments, both inside and out, […]
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How to create a personal finance plan in 45 minutes

How to create a personal finance plan in 45 minutes

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This one action can add $66,183 to your super balance

This one action can add $66,183 to your super balance

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What is Gua Sha?

What is Gua Sha?

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Can Collagen help Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Can Collagen help Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

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My Transformation Diary at 64

My Transformation Diary at 64

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Look Better From Eating Well

Look Better From Eating Well

I am definitely not up to date with all the beauty trends and that involved in enhancing external appearances. However, I do work with a beautiful woman who is well known in the anti-ageing industry with a passion for internal and external healthy ageing and how to look better from eating well (thanks Nicki Belle). […]
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What Are Adaptogens?

What Are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens, What are they?   Ask me a number of years ago ‘What Are Adaptogens’ and I wouldn’t have had a clue what you were talking about. Today however, adaptogens play a key role in my overall health and wellbeing. Adaptogens are defined as non-toxic plants that assist the body to resist stress of different […]
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Should I supplement?

Should I supplement?

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Should You Take Collagen?

Should You Take Collagen?

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Top Tips For Fat Loss

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How do we actually get rid of fat?

How do we actually get rid of fat?

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Have you been searching for a Skin Care range that actually works?

Have you been searching for a Skin Care range that actually works?

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The Holy Grail of Youthful Ageing

The Holy Grail of Youthful Ageing

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How do you feel about your nose?

How do you feel about your nose?

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Cosmetic Tweakments

Cosmetic Tweakments

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What’s The Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

What’s The Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Can Fine Lines turn into Wrinkles?   This is a question I am most frequently asked, and as a Cosmetic Injector it is my job to know the difference and to be able to help you with softening the appearance of both.  Really, wrinkles vs. fine lines doesn’t totally matter as long as you take […]
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