A luminary in Australia’s medical cosmetic industry

Introducing Nicki Belle

Boasting an impressive 20 plus year journey highlighted by dedication, compassion and countless industry accolades solidifying her stature as a guiding light among her peers.

With a profound understanding of her craft, Nicki intertwines her expertise with genuine empathy, fostering trust and comfort in every client she encounters.

Regarded as a pioneer, Nicki has graced national and international world stages at prestigious medical conferences, sharing her wealth of knowledge and innovative approach. Nicki pioneered the liquid facelift in 2014 captivating viewers on popular TV shows like Channel 7’s Today Tonight and Channel 9’s Morning Show.

Meet Nicki Belle<br />

Stepping away from conventional norms, Nicki embarked on her journey into cosmetic medicine, driven by a passion for enhancing natural beauty. Armed with an intricate understanding of facial anatomy and driven by a desire to accentuate inner radiance, she specialises in transformative reconstructive procedures.

Beyond the pursuit of eternal youth, Nicki’s focus extends to offering confidence and renewal to those bearing facial disfigurements from various origins. Whether stemming from birth defects, post-surgical trauma, or accidents, she delivers bespoke, non-surgical remedies, fostering profound and lasting transformations.

Nestled in the heart of Cairns at 22 Minnie Street, our clinic embodies a haven of warmth and tranquillity. Guided by Nicki’s vision, our dedicated team deliver state-of-the-art technologies to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin, ensuring each visit is tailored to your unique needs and desires. Welcome to a sanctuary where beauty meets compassion, and every smile tells a story of renewed confidence and self-assurance.

Nicki Belle Cosmetic Injector