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Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing ❤

Exercise for Healthy Ageing


Exercise has many benefits to our health. Many people often focus on exercise for fitness and body image. However an area of significance is the benefit of exercise for healthy ageing.

As we age we tend to have higher risk of illness, disease and falls. The good news is however, exercise can be beneficial in reducing this risk.

Types Of Exercise

Maintaining adequate fitness levels can help prevent or help manage some diseases. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers, mental health disorders along with some neurological diseases. Performing cardiovascular fitness most days of the week can assist with healthy ageing and minimizing risk of the above diseases.

Regular strength activities are also beneficial for health. As we age it can be common for people to lose muscle mass. This is known are sarcopenia. Reduced muscle mass can lead to lower metabolic rate, inability to perform daily activities with ease and increases risk of falls. There are also many other health benefits of strengthening the muscles. These can include reduced pain and better mobility, improved bone density, lower risk of some diseases and greater ease to perform everyday activities.


Prevention Of Falls


Wellness, Healthy Ageing,

Falls are certainly a major concern to health when ageing. Exercise can help reduce risk of falls due to increased muscle mass, improved balance and faster reactions times. Over 200 000 people are hospitalized due to falls each year in Australia. Falls are also the largest cause of injury related deaths. So maintaining or improving strength and balance can certainly be beneficial in prevention of falls.

Benefits To The Immune System

Exercise is also beneficial in boosting the immune system. Regular exercise can help reduce stress, which compromises the immune system. It also can have a positive impact on white blood cells and movement assists with circulating them more effectively. Plus, regular exercise can also have an anti-inflammatory response on the body.

Mental Health Benefits

With mental health being significant and often escalated when people are suffering chronic health conditions, exercise can be of benefit. Exercise elevates endorphins and assist with prevention and treatment of mental health disorders.

What Does A Healthy Lifestyle Look Like


Healthy Ageing, Mindset, wellness

Being active and having a regular exercise regime doesn’t have to look like a strict and intense fitness plan. Guidelines suggest most people should aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. This activity however, can be engaging in a variety of different exercise. One day may be a walk, another day swimming, dancing another, strength work on another day. It is good to have variety and incorporate many different activities.

So, to age in a healthy manner, adding exercise into your daily life will not only have you feeling better, looking better and able to do more each day with ease, it can also reduce your risk of falls, illness and disease. It is so important to exercise for healthy ageing, so start exercising for your future.

So, what activity will you start doing today?


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