Post CareWhat to expect after your Sculptra treatment:
To help promote the gradual, long-lasting effects of Sculptra, it is important that you comply with the after-care instructions as follows:
During the first 24–48 hours after treatment you may experience redness, swelling and tenderness in the treated areas. These reactions are normal and resolve quickly and spontaneously over the next 2-6 days.
Bruising at the site of injection is also possible and clears completely in 1-10 days. Swelling and bruising can give the appearance of ‘unevenness’ in the area treated. This will settle once the swelling and bruising has gone.
What to do after your Sculptra treatment:
- As your body absorbs the fluid over the next few weeks you must massage gently, aim for 3 x daily for 3 minutes for 3 weeks. The best time to massage your face is in the shower, using your cleanser or when you are applying moisturizer morning and evening.
- Apply cold compresses as required to the area injected for up to 6 hours after the treatment. This will prevent or help to alleviate any bruising. It will also help to reduce any swelling.
- Do not apply ice as this will suppress the effect of the collagen stimulators. If there is no excessive swelling or bruising in the area treated avoid applying cold compresses but drink only COLD drinks for 24 hours.
- You may apply light water-based or mineral makeup where necessary.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks and spicy food for 24 hours, as these may exacerbate bruising and swelling.
- Avoid medications such as aspirin or nurofen for 1-2 weeks as they are blood thinning agents, and they may exacerbate bruising (if these medications have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them).
- Avoid supplements such as multivitamins, fish oils, glucosamine and Vitamin B or Vitamin E for 1-2 weeks, as they are blood thinning agents and may exacerbate bruising (if these supplements have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them).
- Avoid exercise or excessive exertion for 24 hours.
- Avoid excess sun exposure, solarium or sauna use for 24 hours.
- Avoid using any creams, lotions or gels that contain active ingredients such as Glycolic Acid, Vitamin A or C, Salicylic Acid etc and avoid using soaps and perfumes on the area for 24 hours.
- You can use Arnica (or Hirudoid) cream and/or arnica pulvules to help alleviate any bruising.
- Drink plenty of water for 2-3 days after the procedure as this will help promote the collagen stimulating effects of the treatment.
NOTE: bruising can last 1-10 days. They are TEMPORARY and will completely disappear over time with no effect on your treatment. Once bruising has formed (within the first 48 hours) it is better to apply warmth to the area to encourage the body’s natural reabsorption of the bruise away from the skin. Having an Omnilux LED treatment will help to reduce the effects of bruising.
Collagen will begin to grow slowly for the next 8 weeks and continue to grow for up to one year. Your result will be evident approximately 6 months after your final treatment. You may wish to maintain your investment in building your own collagen with a yearly treatment.
- One possible delayed side effect with Sculptra can be small bumps under the skin in the treated area. These bumps may not be visible, and you may only notice them when you press on the treated skin. These bumps tend to develop within the first 6-12 months after the first treatment.
- If you feel any lumps (or fluid-like collections) simple daily firm “pin-point” massage is generally the only treatment needed to ensure that the lump is massaged out. Early massage is the best treatment in preventing lumps or nodules. If the lump persists call Age Amazingly Mediclinic to come in for a review.
- REMEMBER-Patience is required….it may take 4 to 6 weeks to begin to see a difference. Your “before” photo’s will be an important part of this assessment when you attend you review appointment. Sculptra is based on the minimum of an initial two-treatment program.
Are any complications or side effects possible?
Temporary bruising or swelling may occur on the treated site. Other side effects are Granulomas which are very rare but can even occur up to 6-8 months after the treatment (one case in one thousand). These can be treated with Cortisone injections. There has been five cases reported in Australia, mostly around the eye area(lumps and nodules can occur in 1 in 500 patients). They may not be visible to the eye however patients may feel them in the skin post treatment. Massage immediately after treatment may help to prevent nodule formation. There is a very small risk of infection or abscess formation post treatment.
If you suffer any allergic responses, prolonged generalised symptoms or if any lumps/unevenness persists after 5-7 days, please contact your cosmetic practitioner for advice.
Lastly but just as importantly healthy lifestyle choices and timely repeat treatments are key to the long-term maintenance. Ask our Age Amazingly staff about wellness solutions to support and maintain your results.
It is essential that you attend your review appointment in 2 to 4 weeks time so that we can compare with your before photo .A three month check-up is also required to check your progress. For any queries, please call your injector.
Name: Nicole Jackson-Belle
Clinic: Age Amazingly Mediclinic
Phone: 0487 784 135
Thank you
Age Amazingly Team