4 Fabulous Anti-Ageing Skincare Tips for Youthful Skin

4 Fabulous Anti-Ageing Skincare Tips for Youthful Skin

Ageing is an inevitable process of a wonderful life. While there are many causes of ageing, most of us are fortunate to have a choice in HOW we age. Health and nutrition play a huge role in maintaining our youthful appearance, but with time, it’s natural for our faces...
What’s The Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

What’s The Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Can Fine Lines turn into Wrinkles?   This is a question I am most frequently asked, and as a Cosmetic Injector it is my job to know the difference and to be able to help you with softening the appearance of both.  Really, wrinkles vs. fine lines doesn’t totally...